Inspire Others

2017-2018 Jets Women's Basketball Huddle
2017-2018 Jets Women's Basketball Huddle

Inspire Others

By Yunuen Molina

  The stronghold of a team is not only the coach but also the team's effort to become a family.


  Lady Jet Lexi Large epitomizes this concept.


  "Lexi has been an outstanding addition to our program," said head coach Scott Morris.   "What we liked most about her when we recruited her, in addition to her ability, was her work ethic and integrity. She epitomizes what we want our program to stand for. She makes our team better every day!"


  Lexi Large is a determined, focused, and great student-athlete who has her eyes set on the future. I had the wonderful opportunity to watch her play. I felt very intrigued and even got a few great shots of Lexi, while she played. Having had a short interview with her I learned a little bit about herself and her team. For starters, Lexi insinuates that she had not fully prepared herself for college athletics.


  "It is just on a whole other level," Large said.  "I had prepared myself while in high school by working hard in practices every single day."  


  We all know that college is already challenging as it is, so what is it like when playing a demanding sport? Every student-athlete involved in a sport knows how high the demands are. They even have to take time out of their own free time to get caught up in the work. The women's basketball team practices Sunday through Friday from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. or 4 p.m.  That is 12-15 hours of practice a week and not to mention all the games and road trips these ladies have.


  According to Lexi, she believes that; "Balancing college classes and basketball is honestly really tough, but there are a couple of ways that I feel like I get most of my school work done. Either by taking it with me while on road trips or setting it aside for a specific time, every day, to do my work."


  The women's basketball team also have study hall together and it helps many of them to get caught up and stay on track with their classes, not to mention the positivity of a team bonding as well. 


  Lexi compassionately says, "My teammates and I are always acting silly together, for example, we belt out songs together or do funny dance moves. Yet, we are also very focused together, during games and or practices. We know how to have fun on and off the court.


  Lexi's motivation for athletics is to further explore her talents and to become the best that she can possibly be. A successful basketball season for her and her team would be winning the regional tournament and making it to nationals. I wish Lexi and her teammates a great season, all of these ladies are immensely talented and have great things to look forward.