Jets fall at Connors

Jets fall at Connors

WARNER, Oklahoma --  NOC Enid dropped two games at Connors on Thursday.

The Jets (13-27) fell to 5-17 in conference while Connors (20-26) improved to 9-11.

In Game 1, the Jets led Connors 3-1 before the Cowgirls scored nine runs in the sixth to win 10-3.

Kaycee Babek and Camaryn Alexander had two hits each Babek and Chloe Middleton doubled for the Jets.

Madison Gabeau started in the circle with relief help from Ashleigh McCause.

In the second game, Connors scored in five of six innings and beat the Jets 11-1.

Ariana Potter doubled scoring Babek with the lone Jets' run.

Reagan Detrick was the starter with bullpen help from Madison Kovar.

Game 1

Connors 10, Jets 3

               123 456 7--R   H   E

Jets         100 002 0--3   6   3

Connors   000 109 x--10  9   0

Jets--Babek, Middleton.  SB--Eck, Alexander, Middleton.  L--Gabeau.

Game 2

Connors 11, Jets 1

                123 456--R   H   E

Jets          010 000--1   6   1

Connors   012 214--10 10  0

Jets--Potter.  SB--Alexander, Babek.  L--Detrick.