Jets Cheer in California for competition

Jets Cheer in California for competition

The NOC Enid Cheerleaders are competing in the USA Collegiate Cheer Championships in Anaheim, California, Feb. 15-16.

The Jets compete Saturday at 9:15 p.m. and Sunday at 1:30 p.m.

NOC Enid has won four national titles.

The squad is coached by Josh Quintero.

Team members include Jailynn Porter, Allen;  Lauryn Bonine, Kremlin-Hillsdale; Hailey Boeckman, Fairview; Kylee Mittelstet, Enid; Spencer Brown, Byng; Abigail White, Sand Springs; Kiersten Ala, Enid; Katelyn Washburn, Waurika; Kimbri Davis, Byng; Raychel Harves, Enid; Rylee Luis, Newkirk; Makenzie Keeler, Newkirk; Ashley Butler,  Newkirk; Connor Holt, Lawton; Matt Woods, Lawton; Will McNack, Wagoner; and Jordan Williams, Wagoner.

Started in 1997, USA Collegiate Championships brings together community colleges and 4-year institutions from throughout the United States and abroad to compete in a fun-filled weekend of cheer, dance and mascoting. The event is held in Anaheim, CA in collaboration with Spirit Nationals, so that high school teams may experience what the college teams bring to the competition floor. Nearly 1,000 collegiate athletes compete in nearly 15 divisions.