Jets cheer places 2nd

ANAHEIM, California --  The NOC Enid Jets placed 2nd in the USA Collegiate Championships this past weekend in Anaheim, California.

Coach Josh Quintero said the Jets had a good day one but not as good a second day.

"We had a few deductions that knocked us out of first," he said.

"We are an extremely young team with 15 of the 17 team members being freshman," he added.

Team members include Team members include Jailynn Porter, Allen;  Lauryn Bonine, Kremlin-Hillsdale; Hailey Boeckman, Fairview; Kylee Mittelstet, Enid; Spencer Brown, Byng; Abigail White, Sand Springs; Kiersten Ala, Enid; Katelyn Washburn, Waurika; Kimbri Davis, Byng; Raychel Harves, Enid; Rylee Luis, Newkirk; Makenzie Keeler, Newkirk; Ashley Butler,  Newkirk; Connor Holt, Lawton; Matt Woods, Lawton; Will McNack, Wagoner; and Jordan Williams, Wagoner.